From a dictionary:
One venerated for experience, judgment, and wisdom.
adj. sag·er, sag·est
1. Having or exhibiting wisdom and calm judgment.
2. Proceeding from or marked by wisdom and calm judgment: sag
From a thesaurus:
- a mentor in spiritual and philosophical topics who is renowned for profound wisdom
Hakham - a Hebrew title of respect for a wise and highly educated man
mahatma - (Hinduism) term of respect for a brahmin sage
mentor, wise man - a wise and trusted guide and advisor
From Conchscooter:
dear cpa : Spring in Kansas must mean there will soon be lots of people out protesting aginst common sense.
Photos please.
One day, quite innocently, I had left a comment on Conchscooter's fine blog, The Key West Diary. In my comment I had merely stated that it was just beginning to feel like spring here on the plains after a cold winter. What you just read above was part of his response.
Little did I know how omniscient Conch was.
That same day I received this notice. By E-Mail.
Yup! Spring is almost here!
And Sarah is coming to town!
Will she have notes on her hand?
Will she bring her rifle with her?
Will she sell out our new arena?
Will parking be a problem?
Will she be treated like a Rockstar?
Will she try to answer questions that she is not prepared for?
Will she say "You Betcha"?
Will she call for Jihad against all she finds offensive in the world?
Will she come out swinging?

And finally;
And the most important question;
Will the "all knowing" Conchscooter, the Sage of The Key West Diary, suddenly emerge as the Messiah that the civilized world has been waiting for?
How did Conch know that there would be a total abandonment of common sense in Kansas this spring? Makes me wonder!
So many questions.
I may miss the Sarah Palin event.
I am going to go for a ride on Max!
Your thoughts?
My sense of humor is not often appreciated based as it is on scepticism. It is a philosophy that pisses people off more than it amuses them. However I live for myself which makes me cheerful in the quietude of my home but means I am a very poor choice for a Messiah.They crucified Jesus for speaking truth, the masses would do the same today given half a chance. The Biblical Jesus (who didn't exist by the way) would support single payer, taxing the rich and driving low impact cars. Try telling that to the self satisified drones next Sunday. (There's an exmaple of me being a tart anti-Messiah).
ReplyDeleteMissing the Sara Palin event and going for a Ride is defiantly a WIN.
ReplyDeleteI kid you not. Only about 20 minutes had transpired from the time I read your comment to the time I opened the email. I thought, "Oh My God!"
Hope you don't mind me having a little fun with this. And I hope you don't think Sarah should be the Messiah should you decide to relinquish your appointed duties as such.
I had such good laughs about your comment that I just couldn't resist taking this a step further.
Yours in Awe!
ReplyDeleteI guess maybe I shouldn't pick on Sarah, but it is just so damn easy to do so. Thanks for your input to the question of the day.
ReplyDeleteI have low expectations for all politicians and would choose the ride be they Red White or Blue ;-)
I think you have a point.
"The Biblical Jesus (who didn't exist by the way) would support single payer, taxing the rich and driving low impact cars." I can't see how a believer could argue otherwise...
ReplyDeletesecretly you must love Sarah. All of your photos are of HER, taken from your private archives. It's not too late to purchase tickets, she is coming May 2nd.
and Mr Conchscooter, is . . my hero
bobskoot: wet coast scootin
ReplyDeleteHave a similar view of politicians. From my viewpoint, what they have done with tax laws over the last 10 years is ridiculous and unconscionable. Some of it has been designed for the wealthy to get wealthier (trickle down?). But don't get me started.
ReplyDeleteMy archive is google images and I am relatively sure I have violated all sorts of copyright laws as a result. Seeing Sarah would be a great vacation for you and your lovely wife. Will you be near Wichita around the first of May, I'll even buy your tickets to see her. In fact we ought to invite all of our blog friends to Wichita for that event. What a hoot that would be.
I'll come but if we are going to protest something I want to be this guy Click here to see . Art
ReplyDeleteI noticed you mentioned "ticket(s)" the plural version, meaning more than ONE. I would imagine you mean Plane tickets, admission tickets, parking tickets, taxi tickets and parking tickets. OH, thank you, thank you we need a holiday. It's a win win situation. You get the write-off, we get the expenses paid trip. Would be good to see you in early May. Are you sending "ticket(s)" to Mr Conchscooter too. We could have a reunion on your TAB.
thanks again, will keep checking the mail . . .
bobskoot: wet coast scootin
ReplyDeleteYou are more than welcome to come, but only if you bring that sign.
Absolutely friggin hilarious!
However, see following note to Bobskoot, LOL
Thanks for the link
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite quotes is from Andy Rooney who said "Nothing in fine print is ever good news".
I am assuming that you didn't see the "fine print" attached to my comment as a disclaimer. LOL
I will gladly buy the event tickets, but all else is on your own so to speak. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
I guarantee you that you'll get more out of the ride and retain precious brain cells in the process.
ReplyDeleteRide well...
ReplyDeleteAfter destroying many brain cells while I was in college, the goal of keeping them for the remainder of my existence on this planet is foremost in my mind. That's an angle I hadn't thought of, but you are dead on right!
Take Care Yourself
ReplyDeleteJim, you mean to say that you are missing some of your facilities ? I am not sure how large brain cells are. Would they be bigger than marbles. I know if you lost your marbles you may be able to find some , somewhere
bobskoot: wet coast scootin
ReplyDeletePlease don't be upset with me about the plane tickets. I sense anger in your last comment. Please keep in mind that I have a wedding to pay for this year. I am not endowed with enormous wealth. I am not Bill Gates, nor am I employed by Goldman Sachs. If I was you can be assured that I would try and host a helluva blogger party.
Also remember though that when they did my CT Scan after my little event last year, they found nothing between my ears except dead space. It's a miracle I can function at all. Somehow, now that I think about it, I suspect that our Messiah, the eminent Conch, performed some kind of miracle on me.
We are all in awe of his abilities.
With you in praising Conch,
ReplyDeleteI was just trying to come up with something smart continuing along the lines of Sharon, and that's all that I could think of at the time. It's too bad we are all spread out all over the country, makes it expensive to get together for a BBQ, and I know you are the master of BBQ's.
bobskoot: wet coast scootin
Mooselini -- LOL!!
ReplyDeleteDear CPA3485 (Jimbo):
ReplyDeleteUnfold a large map. Stick a pin at the approximate location of the Sarah Palin presentation. Using a piece of string cut to match the mileage scale, make a circle 225 miles away (or approximately two scooter tanks of gas distant). Ride to any of the points on that circle and check into a cheap motel (on the night of the Sarah Palin presentation). Tie on a shitter at a local bar, and tell anyone who will listen that you are one of the last "steel cowboys" from Key West.
Do not show that little pink croc keychain to anyone at the bar, unless, of course, there are absolutely no women in the bar. Ask if there is a tatoo place in town that will do a skull on your chest with the end of a coat hanger. Play cowboy tunes on the jukebox and call it a night when jumping three police cars with your scooter seems like a good idea. (Do not actually try to jump the police cars without arranging for a You-Tube video first.
Have a hot bowl of aspirin in the morning and 72 cups of coffee. Ride home, stopping to take pictures whenever you get the urge to puke. Then you can start this blog with the title: Sarah Palin Came to Town... And So Did I.
You will be surprised at the warm comments such a piece would generate, and how good you will feel in the office on the following Monday. Trust me. This is how I stayed 17 until I was 50. Whebn I stopped doing stuff like this, I became 85.
Fondest regards,
Jack • reep • Toad
I'm headed to apply for a Florida contractor's license. Conch is going to need somebody to remodel his house. Make the doorways bigger to let his swelled head. You actually called him your hero on a public forum? Maybe you're taking this daredevil thing too far. Once in a while you should think of the consequences!
ReplyDeleteYou see what you did? That thought of Conch as a hero thing messed with my head. I can't even finish a sentence. I meant to type:
ReplyDelete"Make the doorways bigger to let his swelled head pass through"