Yup! Spring is almost here!
. And Sarah is coming to town!
. Will she have notes on her hand?
Will she bring her rifle with her?
Will she sell out our new arena?
. Will parking be a problem?
. Will she be treated like a Rockstar?

Yup! Spring is almost here!
. And Sarah is coming to town!
. Will she have notes on her hand?
Will she bring her rifle with her?
Will she sell out our new arena?
. Will parking be a problem?
. Will she be treated like a Rockstar?
My thoughts turned to a couple of events of the past week. First, Conch had posted a link on his blog to an article about money and influence peddling in congress. Second, the author of that article was on Bill Moyers Journal on PBS the next night along with a Libertarian. Then finally, again on TV , last night was the renowned Sarah Palin speaking to the tea party convention in Nashville.
Hmmmm. Lots to digest from the week.
Liberal views, Libertarian views, conservative views.
What do I think?
I'm not a big fan of Sarah Palin. There were some things she said that made perfect sense and I couldn't disagree with. Washington is dysfunctional, etc.
There were other things she said that I cringed at. The politics of fear that terrorists are constantly out to get each and every one of us.
The tea party could be an interesting movement, but I think it is doomed to be a fringe movement within the republican party, unless it does a few things different.
For one thing, I saw only white people in the audience. And they still are very republican party oriented.
But to me, the frustration with Washington is the fault of both parties. Congress is essentially for sale. Votes can and are being bought all the time. Both parties are at fault. And corporate interests have become more important to congress than the intersts of simple human beings.
Sarah does a fairly effective job of tapping into that frustration. People stood and applauded many times during her speech.
My frustration is that I am simply not real impressed with people who complain about everything, but do not offer up new potential solutions. The tea partiers are like that to me. To them it is like their way or the highway.
Hell, the democrats aren't much (any) better.
A lot of different types of people (liberals, conservatives, green, yellow, etc) are disenchanted with how things work in Washington these days. Is there more common ground than most people think there is? Or is the big money able to keep that concealed for their own advantage.
I have a brother that lives in Finland. We sometimes use Facebook to communicate with each other. He says that Finnish people generally like America, but not real impressed with what we did in Iraq.
Sometimes I wonder about the good old USA.
We are nearly bankrupt. Our leaders are for sale. Action on problems seems incredibly slow.
If I moved, where would I go? Canada? New Zealand? Australia?
And of course, right south of the rental store is a PayDay Loan company. The ultimate in financial ripoffs. Imagine paying $45 in fees for a $250 loan for two weeks, until next payday. The effective interest rate on that transaction is astronomical. These stores are all over the place now, seemingly at almost every major intersection in town.
One of my clients used to own a couple of these joints, and made some good money doing it until everybody plus their mothers, brothers and sisters opened up similar stores. They seem to thrive on people that don't believe in banks anymore. The bad thing about these places is that once you get one of the loans, many times the person has to do it again 2 weeks later ($45 again) and the cycle repeats itself endlessly.
The southeast corner now has a boarded up old grocery store. How I miss that store! The size of it was maybe only 3 times the size of the convenience store on the opposite corner. But what a great store it was in its day. The Dillons chain of stores is prevalent throughout Kansas and is now owned by Kroger but still uses the Dillons name.
We used to refer to this as the little Dillons. We lived just a few blocks from here for many years and used to walk over here to get groceries on occasion. A mile north and a mile east is another Dillons we call the medium Dillons, a larger size but still not huge. Then 2 miles east of the little Dillons is what we refer to as the big Dillons, a store we despise because it is so frigging big.