What more can I say!
I am so glad to have him back. Even though it was only a week getting repaired, Max is everything I remembered about him.
He even came back with some new farkle!
Lloyd, my good friend and scooter doctor extraordinaire installed some little flashing lights on the end of the handlebar. They are nice and funky. Just for fun! I suppose If driving at night, I may be a little more visible to other drivers. But just a little, as they are not exceedingly bright, at least not to the degree of the famous K Beemer that we all have heard about that lights up the night sky in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The Lambretta was a nice loaner and I appreciated the use of the scooter very much. But it wasn't Max.
After the replacement of the body parts, he sure looks great! Lloyd, as is his usual practice, washed him up as well and Max literally shined.
It took a little longer than expected for the repairs because one replacement part that came in was scratched a bit and once Lloyd got into the handlebar to check on the turn signal issues, another part, a turn signal relay, needed to be ordered.
But he is back now, and looking great.
Just in time too because Max and I are planning a little trip up to Topeka later this month so I can attend a high school reunion (35 years). It will be my first trip of any great length for me.
The interstate takes a pretty straight shot from here to Topeka totalling about 135 miles. But I intend to take some county and state roads to provide a better opportunity for picture taking.
The scenery should be fantastic for the trip. I am not sure at what stage the trees will be in their annual change to winter mode, but an area I will travel through is known as the Flint Hills, and they can be very beautiful. The Flint Hills run generally along a ridge from north to south in the east central and southern part of Kansas and consist of gentle rolling hills, but primarily grassland with few trees.
The northeast part of the state where Topeka lies is much different than the Wichita area geographically because there are many more hills and trees. I am also planning a little day trip to a small town just east of Topeka to take some pictures for an upcoming Halloween post. I have already written the post, but badly need some pictures for it. Stay tuned.
Name Tag from previous reunion. Topeka West High School. Go Chargers!!
They say you can't go home again. A comedian I admire said once about high school reunions that people are the same and don't change a whole lot except for the fact that many of them are a lot bigger in stature than they were as teenagers. At the 30 year reunion I was about 65 lbs over my pole vaulting weight in high school. Many classmates noticed and I took a bit of ribbing for it. But for this reunion I should be only up only about 30 lbs.
One thing is for sure! Most of the guys have a lot shorter hair than we did in 1974.
30 + years of sitting at a computer and doing taxes can certainly have an effect on people.
This one I suspect is a recreation of a recent event in Bobskoot's office.
And "The Far Side" has some good accountant cartoons as well
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed
ReplyDeleteJim, firstly I want to thank you for your email of concern. I forgot to reply and your email address is on my home computer. My arm was hurting a bit for a day or two so I didn't ride but rather repaired my crash bar. I am glad I got the "bars" as they did their job. If they get damaged again then I could just purchase another set. Just got a few minor scratching on the plastic parts and you would have to look very closely to notice. Black is the worst colour for imperfections.
You trip will be an adventure, you and your bike. As you are an urban rider I think that once on the open road you may enjoy the freedom of exposing yourself to the elements. Take lots of photos. Congrats on your weight loss program. I wish I could lose a few lbs. We have to remember as we age, with less activity, to limit our food intake, but I can proudly say I don't know when to stop when it comes to good food.
. . . and shorter hair is better than NO hair. Do those end bar lights also "flash" ? I saw a set recently that functioned as turn signals.
bobskoot: wet coast scootin
I am really looking forward to reading about your trip. By the way, the bar end lights is a great idea. I have thought for a long time about moving my turn signals to the bar ends on my LX150. All the very best to you.
exposing yourself might not be good. especially taking lots of pictures.
ReplyDeleteDon't think it was me that emailed, but I was still a bit concerned. At my age, and I think we are relatively close in age, a bump is a bump and I certainly didn't heal like I used to from bumps like that. To this day I still cannot sleep comfortably lying on my left side. Knowing you though, I bet you are back riding in no time.
The weight loss has not been from a conscious or even a concerted effort. Rather, I have just decided not to eat as much. My wife and I now have a tendency to split big hamburgers, etc rather than eat one all by myself. The weight loss has been real gradual.
Thanks for poppin' in
ReplyDeleteI am so pumped about the trip! I literally can't stand the waiting. The motorcycle gods seem to be smiling also. We have had unseasonably cool weather here with misty rain. Just plain blah for 5 days or so. Haven't ridden to work yet this week and about to scream from withdrawel.
But the forecast this weekend is for sunny skies, although it still may be a bit cool. Ought to be prime weather for picture taking.
The lights on the handlebar end do not function with the turn signals, but they have 3 settings. One is on all the time. The second is just flashing. The third is sort of like chase lights going around in a circle. They should be fun this weekend as there will probably be at least some night riding involved.
And thanks for your past encouragement regarding the ride. I appreciate it.
Take Care,
ReplyDeleteDon't you think it was a bit odd that Bobskoot should make a comment about exposing myself? First of all, the only time it may happen is if I need to take a leak and have to find a tree or bush to help out in being discrete. And I am sure I can't handle my equipment and take a picture at the same time.
Secondly , I think it odd that Bobskoot would bring that up in light of his recent meeting up with another fellow blogger. Weren't a couple of those pictures rather chummy? If you catch my drift. (I hope he knows I am just kidding)
Anyway I promise to regale the readers with lots of pictures.
And by the way, if time permits, I am hoping to see if I can find a season end closeout sale on some pink crocs. A veritable club seems to be starting re those crocs.
Thanks for the visit,
Dear cpa3485 (Jimbo):
ReplyDeleteYou ought to have a ball on that 135-mile ride. There is nothing like the endless prospects of the open road -- especially in fall. I hope you have three days of perfect weather. I hope you give yourself lots of time, and stop anywhere an interesting photo presents itself.
Your repaired bike looks good in the photos, and I think the flashing bar-end lights are very scooterish and chic. (They are way better than the pink streamers Bobskoot has on both of his bikes.)
Fondest regards,
Jack • reep • Toad
Twisted Roads
Jack, (Mr Toad)
ReplyDeleteMy wife wants me to take the Canadian Subaru, but I am holding out for the scooter as long as the weather looks good, and right now it looks damn good.
My route will be more like 160 miles one way, sort of like taking the L shaped route as opposed to the direct route. Slower roads and better places to stop and take pictures. After all, readers demand it!
The bar-end lights are just silly and fun. And I used to put playing cards with clothespins into the spokes of my bicycle as a kid.
There are about 6-7 different blog post ideas for when I get back with the pictures. I ought to be able to load blogger up for a couple of months all at once, like Conch does.
Take Care, I'll try to get a shot of a gentlemen's club as well. I think I know where one is. LOL
It's always better when one's ride is in one's garage, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteMy ears are burning, I think I heard my name and popped in. I used to have an Alfa Romeo Giuilia Spyder. I was always worried about breakdowns on the weekends and wondered whether I would be able to make it home, or not. As charlie6 says, you feel good when it is home where it belongs.
Jack "r": those pink streamers are for cancer awareness for fallen riders. Pink is the colour of their promotion. If I lived closer to Wichita I would sneak into Jim's garage and grab those bar end lights for my bike.
Jimbo: I hope you find a pair of pink Crocs. They will make you invincible and gain you membership into our elitist internet rider's blogging group, EIRBG for short.
Oh almost forgot, ever since you mentioned it, and as you have your camera out and poised for action, please snap a pic of my admirers from your office staff, wearing pink crocs if possible.
bobskoot: wet coast scootin
ReplyDeleteMax has actually been home for about a week and a half now, but wrote this post in anticipation of being real busy at work this week, which I have been. I have had to spend a couple of days looking longingly at him while we had bad weather early this week and I didn't ride. But I rode today and it is great having him home.
ReplyDeleteI like your idea of an acronym, but I don't think that EIRBG exactly rolls off the tongue. It got me thinking.
How about these ideas:
SPAM Some People for the Advancement of Motorcycling
IBM The Intstitute of Blogging Motorcyclists
FART The Foundation for the Advancement of Rider Thinking
FUBAR Foundation for the Understanding of Bloggers and Riders
CRAP Cessation of Riders Associating with the color Pink
SPERM The Society for Prevention of Elitist Rider Mentality
Catch my drift?
Everybody, lets work on this!
I went to our number 30. A girl I had lusted after with no success back then finally flashed me. I didn't even have a Twisted Roads shirt on. Turns out, I wished she hadn't shown them to me. Reality and fantasy collided with near fatal results.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the adventure!