A Day That Will Live In Infamy?
It was May 19, a year ago, when I posted my first blog article.
It was published in the afternoon. I went home from work a little early that day and placed myself on the chaise lounge on my back porch. From my blackberry, I then posted an identical comment to a number of blogs that I followed (haunted) to announce my new blog.
These people were very kind to make initial comments and offer advice and encouragement.
Steve Williams, Scooter in the Sticks.
Joe, Scootin' da Valley.
Charlie 6, Redlegs Rides.
Lance, The View over the Handlebars.
Irondad, Musings of an Intrepid Commuter.
Bobskoot, Wet Coast Scootin'.
Jack Riepe, Twisted Roads.
Sharon, Sojourners MotoTales.
Conchscooter, Key West Diary.
Orin, Scootin' Old Skool.
Stacy, Bolty.net.
Torch, Midlife Motorcycle Madness.
John (Mad Dog) McClane, A Scooter in Turkey.
I was amazed at the response. Some of the comments were received within just a few hours after my post. That prompted me to make a reply comment to the effect that some of you people need to
"Get A Life"!
But then again, we all realize how much fun and potentially addictive blogging can be. I still do most of my blog reading from my phone and I sometimes compose the text portions of a post on my phone. I fully admit that I probably look at my own blog maybe as much as 8-10 times per day to look for comments and new posts from other authors.
It's so bad that I recently changed the web home page on my phone to my blog, just to save a few keystrokes. (Nerd I am)
Many of the first comments offered advice, others congratulations, but one comment from Conchscooter was one I have never forgotten. In essence he said to "Publish or Die!"
I chuckled when I read it, but also recognize the wisdom. We all know that he lives by that motto.
I have apparently made a little over 80 posts in the first year. Little did I know how prolific (or punishing) I was.

Jack Riepe also offered up some advice about starting a post with an attention getting statement. I try, but full well know that I will never be able to match his writing abilities.

Ironically, the first person to make a comment (Steve Williams), maintains one of the first motorcycle/scooter blogs I ever found and started to read. I followed a lot of his links to find others and the list kept growing.

I learned a lot from everybody about blogging and motorcycling. I remain to be amazed about how strong the connection is between us all. This is in spite of the fact that most of us have never met each other face to face. We come from many different walks of life and locations, but have one common passion.
I find the whole thing fascinating.

What is remarkable to me is how much you can learn and understand about the personalities and idiosyncrasies of various bloggers from their posts and comments.
I consider all of you as being a good friend. Some of you feel a lot like brothers and sisters, others maybe more like parents or mentors. All of you are appreciated.

As I reminisce, I think some of what I wrote is crap. Some stuff maybe not so bad. Keep in mind that writing for the blog is a major departure from what I usually write in my profession where I need to be a bit technical and legalistic. I have enjoyed the opportunity to be a bit more creative.
In some sense, the writing is part of a very introspective process for me. It is just as much for myself as it is for my readers.

I am very much in awe of the photography abilities displayed by many of you. I freely admit that most of my pictures are very amateur, but I like taking pictures generally. I just don't feel real motivated sometimes to take the time and really compose a picture and to use special settings. Maybe that will change as I gain more experience.

As I began the blog, I knew there were things I wanted to write about. There were also pictures I wanted to share. I anticipated that the writing would be more important to me and I think that has turned out to be the case for me. I always wanted to start a personal journal, but never got around to it. Blogging gave me a convenient opportunity.

Scootering started a new journey for me almost 2 years ago. Becoming a blogger was part of the consequence of scootering. I plan to stay on the roads of each and see where they take me.
ReplyDeleteYou have put into words my exact thoughts, and so eloquently, I might add. I also started a blog to improve my writing techniques and also to showcase the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest (BC, WA & OR).
I also feel that I have friends in our blogging community and it is my wish to meet you all, eventually. I have met some and it is like meeting a long-time friend, but for the 1st time.
You really should upgrade to Pink Footware and get rid of that Thumb warmer
luv from BC
Wet Coast Scootin
ps: don't worry about that old coot down in KW, his bark is bigger than his bite, he is set in his ways, and you cannot change him. I love him too
ReplyDeleteI've appreciated all of your comments, suggestionms and encouragement, even if I have to admit that for awhile I thought you were the owner of "west" coast scootin. I figured it out though. It was partially because that I got so interested in so many different blogs at one time that it took me a little while to get more familiar with each one of them.
I'm jealous that you have gotten to meet up with some other bloggers. I'd love to meet you sometime, perhaps next year.
And Conch doesn't scare me, in fact I aspire to be like him sometimes. I think it's good to be a bit radical and opinionated at times. Many people are just sort of boring. Conch definately isn't and neither are you.
Thanks for being a good friend.
Happy Anniversary! Your blog continues to grow and improve which is a good sign that your are accomplishing what you set out to do.
ReplyDeleteYour post made me look back at my own motivations to blog. The short answer is that it forces me to write and shoot pictures. Regardless or how I do it the practice makes me better at it.
Finding a community of like minded riders, writers and photographers was an unexpected bonus.
Steve Williams
Scooter in the Sticks
Since discovering your blog I have looked forward to your posts.
ReplyDeleteI, too, first discovered Steve Williams' Blog and followed it to you and to those you named in the post.
I find myself teetering on the edge of beginning my own blog. My life has been opening up so much since I began riding a scooter and I wonder if a blog might enhance that process.
Thanks for taking the time to share a piece of yourself. You have enriched me.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by and the compliments. Your comment about the motivations interested me a bit. I always wanted to write and never had trouble with that, but my camera literally set in the case unused for about a year and a half before I started the blog. Blogging made me get the camera back out and start using it. I have enjoyed it and am trying to improve my pictures.
As far as having an initial goal, I am not sure there really was one other than sharing my thoughts and a bit of my life on the scooter. Not sure where blogging will take me in the future either but I am willing to go for the ride.
ReplyDeleteThanks for popping by and leaving a comment. Comments are always welcome, but have to say you are maybe much too kind to compliment my silly little blog. Still, I appreciate the fact that you find it interesting.
I was a bit worried about not having that much to say in the blog, and have trouble posting. But I find that many times when I am out and about, I think about things I could post and potential articles, and the ideas usually keep comeing. Obviously some ideas and posts are better than others, but I still enjoy it.
It sure doesn't hurt to start a blog and if you do, let me know, and I'll keep an eye on it.
Take care,
Wow, really great post, Jim! Congratulations on your first year! I like your photography and especially your writing. It's really like a journal and I mean that as a compliment. I think it's hard to do that in a public forum like this and be transparent but you excel at it. Keep up the great work!
ReplyDeleteMike, it's like we both had a little anniversary. I really enjoy your blog, and admit to being a little jealous of your very nice bike.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the compliments.
Take care and thanks for stopping by.
Jim, what a sweet, heartfelt post! I love reading this. And on this day, when I'd rather be anywhere but at work trying to crank out words that have gone underground, it was so nice visiting you here on your space and feeling your prose.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the great blog community work you do. I love your pics! My favorite in this post are: the children, the doggie, and that vast expanse of road. Write and snap what you feel and you'll always keep us coming back for more.
Happy Bloggervesary!!
Oh, and that pic of the scooter with fog in the background--very cool!
Sharon, thanks for being so nice. Sometimes I think my life with my scooter cannot be all that interesting to people. But it appears that at least a few people seem to follow it a bit. And then again, I am not sure I care all that much sometimes because I really enjoy it even if nobody else read it. Sounds a bit wierd.
ReplyDeleteAnd what's wrong with the picture of the ribs? Hmmmm?
Just kidding, you have become a great friend and it's all appreciated.
Congratulations, Jim. Blogging and riding become part of who we are. A daily practice ... and the more we do it, the more enjoyable (I think) it becomes. Like Steve, I started with the self-serving intention of making a new photo every day ... a selfish motivation for greater and consistent productivity ... Making a public proclamation along with a visible showplace made that "daily practice" both possible and attainable.
ReplyDeleteGrowth happens along the trail of life. A good thing. Interacting and sharing with others is a part of that process and as such is to be savored. Each and every one of us is interesting ... our differences and similarities are the glue that both bind and bond us.
Here's to another year of exploration!
Jim, congratulations on your milestone! Aside from a desire to cut through the vast thicket of misinformation about scooters and riding, for me blogging has mostly been something that keeps my mind off being unemployed! :-D
ReplyDeleteBut it's also been a revelation. Scootin' Old Skool gets translated (via Google Translator) into just about every language spoken, and is read and quoted in places (and by people) I never imagined possible. I've corresponded with folks from around the globe, and met a bunch of very interesting people, virtually and in person as a result of the blog.
And I am amazed at the number of people who seemingly haven't heard that Bruce Lee died in 1973...
Rubber side down, always!
Scootin' Old Skool
ReplyDeleteHere's to another year of (in my case) "exploitation". I enjoy looking at your pictures every morning. Your mission and purpose is onvious and very entertaining. Thanks for your comments.
Bruce Lee is dead? I thought he had been reincarnated as Jackie Chan.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments. Your blog is informative and impressive in many respects. I am a big fan of your blog. I find it hard to believe that nobody has snatched you up and put you to work.
Take care,
Belated congratulations. There are times when I seriously think about hanging it up. Time is such a scarce commodity these days. Having you all as friends brings me back. I enjoy the connection more so than the writing these days.
ReplyDeleteJack didn't tell you the whole story when he said to start with an interesting statement. What he does is the old "bait and switch". Makes you think you're getting something, only to be disappointed. One can't help coming back, though, just in case one day he actually does write something interesting!