Saturday, November 30, 2013


Shirt ride today. Just around the neighborhood. Lots of trees in our area and in the Fall season, lots of leaf.

Carpe Diem and ride safely my good friends.


  1. Be safe yourself out there. Leaves can be tricky. Fall is almost over in our neck of the woods.

    1. Sonja, Luckily the leaves are dry, but still a bit dangerous. Been cold here, but supposed to be warmer in early part of this next week. Should get some riding in.

  2. I still love to play in the leaves piled up!

    All of ours are gone...sucked up or chopped up by the landscape men.


    1. Deb,
      I'm frequently amazed at what some people decide to do with leaves. We now them down and mulch them into the lawn. Others spend hours bagging into trash bags. Some blow them out to the street under the apparent theory that if it isn't on their lawn, it's not their problem. These people drive me crazy because it's a little dangerous for motorcycles.

      But I suppose I shouldn't judge other people too much. Perhaps they think me crazy for riding a scooter. :)
