Sunday, May 30, 2010
Bad Service
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
River Festival Food Court

Quite a variety of offerings at this Food Court Vendor
We have this festival every year in May.It runs for 9 days with a parade, concerts, a big fireworks show, and of course, food. One of our favorite events is the Cajun Food Fest. A nice dinner of gumbo, red beans and rice is served up, along with some bread pudding. Later that night a local university jazz band entertains us.

This very nice young lady is presenting me with the infamous "Bayou Bonfire"
Various vendors serve food from tents near the downtown convention center. Some of the food is really good, some I would think twice about trying.The blog author attempts to tame the beast known as the "Bayou Bonfire" The author said that he would rate it 5 stars out of 5, but then again he is not known for his culinary expertise.
The sandwich was essentially a spicy sausage thing with grilled onions, peppers and okra served in some pita bread.
Cathy, a long time co-worker joined me for lunch , but she opted for a reuben sandwich.
Cathy's reuben before it's eventual demise
Picnic tables are put up near the convention center and it is fun to people watch and try out the food. For people that work downtown, the fesitval gives us a chance to try out some food that is different from the local downtown eateries.

I like to hide my button under my jacket, then "whip it out" when asked for proof of my contribution to the festival

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
A Day That Will Live In Infamy?
It was May 19, a year ago, when I posted my first blog article.
It was published in the afternoon. I went home from work a little early that day and placed myself on the chaise lounge on my back porch. From my blackberry, I then posted an identical comment to a number of blogs that I followed (haunted) to announce my new blog.
These people were very kind to make initial comments and offer advice and encouragement.
Steve Williams, Scooter in the Sticks.
Joe, Scootin' da Valley.
Charlie 6, Redlegs Rides.
Lance, The View over the Handlebars.
Irondad, Musings of an Intrepid Commuter.
Bobskoot, Wet Coast Scootin'.
Jack Riepe, Twisted Roads.
Sharon, Sojourners MotoTales.
Conchscooter, Key West Diary.
Orin, Scootin' Old Skool.
Torch, Midlife Motorcycle Madness.
John (Mad Dog) McClane, A Scooter in Turkey.

Friday, May 14, 2010
A New Jacket

Monday, May 10, 2010
Mother"s Day

Most of the buildings contain actual 1860's to 1880's memorablia.
This is a woodworking shop.
A street musician. He played and sang. Volunteers wear period clothing and are trained to act and dress just like it would have been in the day
A printer is showing some kids how to operate one of the presses at the local newspaper.
And if you wanted to get a shave and a haircut, this is the place.
The women are virtuous. This man is lucky to pose with two women.