Thursday, July 29, 2010
I Missed an Anniversary

Monday, July 26, 2010
Key West comes to Wichita
Layne here is obviously stunned by something uttered by Michael. My wife Jayna on the left looks on in some disbelief also.
It was even a little strange because even though I felt somewhat acquainted with Michael, through reading his blog, and probably vice versa, there were still many things I didn't know about him. So even though it felt like seeing an old friend, it was like meeting a new friend at the same time.
To our wives, it must have been even stranger, not knowing very much about the other couple except for that information which could possibly be extricated from the husband bloggers, which we all know is probably incomplete and untrustworthy. But there was never any unease and I have to say that Jayna and I had a very enjoyable time. Michael even wanted to see my scooter so I had the opportunity to show off Max.
The delicacies for that day, just for Bobskoot. The breaded okra is a very welcome new item on the menu at this restaurant. You could also get fries or potato salad. But the meat is what is famous here. The owners display all sorts of ribbons earned at cooking contests throughout the midwest.
Michael and Layne eventually went back to their hotel to crash and we made tentative plans to get together for lunch the next day before they left on the next leg of their journey.
The next morning Jayna and I went to work. Michael and Layne probably slept in a bit and Michael said he wanted to work on the computer a bit. I suspect that he has a couple weeks of posts all scheduled up. Sort of disgusting, if you ask me. I am not near that organized nor as frequent a poster. Key West Diary is an amazing and fun blog to read. They came downtown to our office building and we took them to one of our favorite BBQ places for lunch. Michael didn't seem entirely sure as to what to order so he said: "I'll have whatever Jim has!" which was a brisket sandwich, hot link on the side with breaded okra. Layne had no indecision as to what to order and got some spare ribs. Jayna opted for the club sandwich. All of which was delicious.The restaurant we went to was west of the river in what is known as the "Delano" district. This part of town back in the cattle rush days of the 1870's and 1880's was known to be a little "wild" at times. Taverns and houses of ill repute were notorious as the cowboys needed a place to vent their frustrations. The east side of the river was where the financial and shopping districts took hold. The restaurant has a number of interesting old pictures of older times.
We talked and laughed some more. We told stories about our lives and how we ended up doing what we do for a living. We heard about the blogger meeting in Oregon near the BMW MOA rally and other tales of their trip. We made fun of other bloggers behind their backs (Jack and Bobskoot in particular, of course). I will not discuss on this blog what we said in order to protect those unable to defend themselves.
Eventually we were the only people left in the place. The waitresses had all of the other tables all cleaned off and stared menacingly at us as we continued to talk and laugh through the early afternoon. We didn't leave until close to 3:00.
The Arkansas River from the west side a long time ago. Remember, we don't pronounce it "Arkansaw", here in Kansas.
I didn't even get many pictures partly because my batteries crapped out, but mostly because we were having such a good time talking.
They invited us to Key West. We said we would try, and we meant it.
Jayna and I feel very honored that they arranged their trip to come through Wichita.
Michael said he always wanted to see Kansas. I responded with "Bull$hit", but he may have really meant it.
Happy Trails Michael and Layne! (And Cheyenne)
Until we meet again!
And somehow I have a feeling we will!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Safe Crap
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
We get to meet Cheyenne
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
A Castle in Kansas?
Max in the shade, the castle in the sun.
A view from the front along the river's edge gives it more of a unique perspective.
The tower on the right is essentially a circular staircase. We have toured the place, but it was a long time ago. It was a little run down at the time. There were a few structural problems, and the owner had little extra money to fix it up.
Looking from the front at the main entrance.
A new owner purchased it a few years ago and has done extensive work to restore it. It's quite possibly a tax writeoff, but a neat one at that. The couple that now own it live in a small apartment in an adjacent building. They manage the inn themselves. They host weddings, receptions and other events in addition to renting rooms for a night or two.
A statue near the front entrance.
The adjacent building.
On the other side of the river is Oak Park. There is a very nice little frisbee golf course there. I wanted to get a picture of the "castle from the other side of the river and encountered a few "golfers" along the way. Some people really get into that sport. It was a nice day with little wind and I can imagine the conditions would have been sublime for frisbee golf.
Disc Golf is Thattaway!
A pretty unique landmark.
Monday, July 12, 2010
An Aerostar Predicament
The Aerostar van "listing to port" in the morning sun.
I rode over closer to investigate and get a few pics.The right front wheel buried in the asphalt. The parking lot is just asphalt with no concrete underneath, and probably not well constructed. On a really hot day I can imagine the asphalt being real soft and a vehicle parked for a long period of time just might sink into it.
The right rear looks no better, in fact maybe lodged a bit deeper.
The right wheels look like they were about the same as I remembered them, so I went around to the other side of the van to see why it was leaning more than it used to. I discovered that this jack had been placed under the left front part of the van. Was someone actually trying to get it unstuck? And if so, what was the logic here?
The left front wheel is off the ground. What this is supposed to accomplish beats the heck out of me.
I take a look at the left rear and notice some damage to the body. Perhaps the owner of this vehicle first attempted to use the jack here. Apparently only succeeding with furthering the predicament.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Near Panic on the 4th of July
We started the cooker and hoped that the weather would hold.
My initial thought was that she had just set it down someplace and it would quickly turn up. As I supervised and observed the cooking of the burgers, I could hear people inside the house asking questions like "Where did you last remember having it on?"
Pretty soon thereafter I saw my wife and daughter painstakingly looking through the trash in the kitchen. To no avail.
Later I observed people on the floor looking into every nook and cranny such as behind the refrigerator and other places where the ring could have escaped to.
The situation was starting to get really serious. My daughter had been responsible for making the burger patties, so the thought occurred that I might actually be cooking the ring. I looked rather closely as I turned the burgers over on the grill, but did not see any evidence. She had also been working on the baked beans so I spooned through the bowl a bit, again to no avail.
She was crying, Tyler was very supportive. But we were all starting to get a bit worried.
No! A lot worried.
But then again, it isn't the magic ring of power from Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" It can't have a mind of its own. Or could it.
We decided to start eating and maybe somebody would chew into it and find it. Well, I'm kidding about that. Sort of.
After we had been eating for just a minute or two, my son went back into the kitchen to get something from the fridge and heard a little tinkling sound on the floor as he retrieved whatever it was he was getting out of the fridge.
Yeah, the darn ring was in the refrigerator on top of a packege of aragula. Darn good place to hide.
My son, the hero of the day, getting hugged by may daughter after locating the missing ring.